Ms. Zar Zar Lwin HTET

Legal Assistant

Ms. Zar Zar Lwin Htet is a Legal Assistant in the Myanmar Office of BNG Legal. She holds a Bachelor of Law from the University of Yangon and is also a scholarship awardee of long-term exchange program at Nagoya University. Zar Zar is currently serving her apprenticeship to obtain her Higher-Grade Pleader (HGP) licence.

Prior to joining BNG Legal Myanmar, Zar Zar completed internships at various international law firms where she has gained significant knowledge related to corporate laws and investment practices in Myanmar. Moreover, she completed an internship at an international bank, engaging in transaction monitoring procedure, local regulatory reports, ensuring everything followed international and local regulations.

Currently, Zar Zar handling matters related to Intellectual Property and Corporate matters in Myanmar.

Zar Zar speaks Burmese, English and Japanese.